1 Guarisce/Healing
I ease your pain
With a silk glove
I expunge our clashes
Of this stormy time
I count your sighs
With this leaden clock
I recall memories
But hear no sound
I'm going to heal you
With my smooth hands
And I'll drive you
Back home, safe and sound
But why such adversity?
Time suspends its flight.
2 Indiferenti/Indifferent
With broken heart and roughened hands
Famished and ragged
Like these flowers, barely blooming and already faded
The falcons will carry you away
Indifferent to all the imagined dramas
The birds sing softly
As night falls
And the earth suffers its downturns
What's the point? And why?
If your story fails
If glory is war
What's the point? At what price?
What's the point?
And all for what?
With flesh bruised and hands tied
Alone in the world, patched clothes
And this air of vanity that changes humanity
That will carry you away
Indifferent to all the drama
Men betray each other, smiling
But all can see that they reveal
The cruel reality
I am the force I am the immortal
Your story fills me with joy
If glory is war
But your story is coming to an end
With the laurels of glory
3 Sò diventatu/Here I am
Here I am, from my seed the grain
Harvest of my choices, of my failures
The soul laid bare, but so many pitfalls avoided
Become what I feared, alone,
But possessing what I lacked
Everything I didn't want
Here I am, ruin of passing time, ravaged remains
Here I am in harness
Exhausted by torment
I have become my own product,
What I sold and what I bought
Solid as a rock built on ruins
Here I am absolved of my past
Memories lost, memory failed
Work of good or evil
Your only kiss, you'll have to invent it
Only to start again; Only to guess
I am the wind and the salt
In an imaginary world
I would be a chimera
4 Di punta à l’abbissu/On the edge of ruin
Ladies of sun, beings of light
A thousand tales on your flower-like lips
Light are your steps, undulating flames
Bewitching whorls consuming lives
Morganic fairies and magical stones
Ladies of moon, round apples of light
Starry fields, eternity of the instant
You who sing the edge of the abyss
Happy glow hidden in the shade
Who slyly harvests the ears of corn for the grave
To save from foundering
The final vessel
Give us a sign
Give us a dream
Full of pleasure
Peace fulfilled
Overflowing with love
The race of time
Ladies of the wave, waters frozen or troubled
Curves moving on a tight and tortuous path
Memories heavy with hopes given and taken away
Joyous streams, sometimes flash floods
Fertile quenching and buried seeds
Ladies of stone, ramparts to madness
Towers standing on the shore
Final refuge, enclosure, abbey
Confronted by the hatred that now wins
New times of dearth of love
5 Schjarì u to chjassu/Light your way
Light your way
But without mapping your route
Get lost in the middle of nowhere
As the foam disintegrates
In a flash
Fireside chats reduced to ashes
And the least slice of life evaporated
Overwhelmed by the torments of the past
Of men, great men
Of women, great women
Of children, great children
Of old, of very old men
Waking up
Already tired
Of everyday life
Life is fraught with pitfalls.
6 Ancu sfarente/A tomorrow to be invented
You sow as many seeds of resistance
As glimmers of hope
Which spring from the same wells
You, the Corsican, who values you?
Who restricts your liberty?
Our fortified homes
Like shared shelters
Even our silences
Translate the nobility of our messages
When the curtain comes down
A multitude of individuals to blend
Our peoples to be displaced
A tomorrow to be invented
And a route to be imagined
Jasmines and cedars
Elixir of your thoughts
Feed into your years
You, the Corsican, who can stop you?
What are you reaching out for?
Towards an engaged future
To build the temple of our peace
Our passionate embraces
When it's time to pass
From being to posterity
7 Felici suspesi/Happiness suspended
My greatest folly
My one and only
Nectar of Malvasia
Face that soothes
I was drunk with love
At your highest springs
But mountain water
Changes colour in the sea
For one night only
Just one single night
For once, just mine
Just for the perfume of your skin
Alight with your passion
Alight just for me
Suspended happiness
8 U tornaviaghju / The wanderer
In these moments when everything stops
Our tomorrows are born
No world, no silence
The wanderer
Caring, arrives in these places
In the light of your person
Days are born from your hands
There is no mysterious destination for you
The wanderer
Surprised, arrives in these places
The fern that hides nothing
Tempering men's embraces
No mermaid song
The wanderer
He heard enough before returning to these places.
On the shore where everything is invented
Opens up the game of your kisses
On these shores neither overgrown nor infertile
The wanderer
Curious, arrives in these places
Tomorrow will be a new beginning
Towards a world of infinite love
These legends bewitch those who have never left.
The wanderer
Has returned home
Tomorrow we will leave again
Towards a world of infinite love
Birthright for those who have gone astray
The wanderer
Has returned home
9 Paghjella
Just two days left
Before you leave
Before crossing the seas
Come and touch my hand
And then if you have the courage
You'll give me a kiss
10 A to cullana/Ta parure
With its sparkles and brocades
The sea invites me to dive in
Thousands of enigmas
Thousands of fragrances
With its lapping and its sweet spray
The sea invites me to dive in
Thousands of secrets
Thousands of mysteries
Rich in our values, we will fly away to an elsewhere
The sea calls me in search of adventure
To savour the landscape, to taste it
Thousands of tiny lights
Thousands of lanterns
At the sight of you the sea calls me to drown in your wake
Thousands of lullabies
Thousands of long speeches
Rich in our values, we will fly away to an elsewhere
The sea calls out to me
The key to the enigma draws me to the depths
There are but few constraints
Only the jewels around your neck
The sea invites me to build my future
To transform myself into a home with you as its entrance
And all freed from our bonds
All that's left is the jewels around your necks
Rich in our values, we will fly away to an elsewhere
11 Stranieru da l’internu/Stranger from within
In the beginning
No real need to show up
No tradition, no official language, life was easy
No one would be locked up
The trapped fledglings were soon released
In the beginning
The aim was not to sell or accumulate
What came was there, just passing through
No one to reassure, no one to think about
No loans to be repaid, no overdrafts allowed
In the beginning
Who knows if we were mistreated or privileged
Looking for causes or culprits,
Who could decide, even masquerade, even parade?
Flowers in their season, terror at the first frost
In the beginning
We didn't go to drown ourselves.
Taking several paths the better to find ourselves
Nothing to fear, not even an end to think about
A single breath, that of Water, on so many stirred pebbles
Since the beginning,
The same Sea to cross, somewhere between Heaven and Hell
Here we all are, strangers from within.
Rich in our values, we will fly away to an elsewhere