Music from Bulgaria, Greece , Turkey , Armenia;
Isabelle Courroy has booked a truly dazzling line-up for the second part of her Confluences trilogy. Le chant des sources (The Song of the Springs) gives a central place to the voice, here magnificently incarnated by Françoise Atlan, Katerina Papadopoulou, Mariyana Pavlova, Maria Simoglu and Gülay Haçer Toruk.
The ten melodies on this album, which can be listened to as a single song, are drawn from traditional repertoires from Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. Whether instrumental or vocal, are all gems which Isabelle Courroy has polished to perfection, and for which she has composed a new setting.
These arrangements give an important place to string instruments: santur, pontic lyre, nyckelharpa, violin, tenor violin, viola da gamba, kanun, harp, tamboura, laouto, oud, mandola, and double bass. Percussion instruments — dafs, bendir, derbouka and tapan — join them to offer a sound palette of great richness. At the heart of this framework, Isabelle Courroy’s kaval flutes breathe their expressive power and organic character through all the pieces.
Françoise Atlan, chant - Mireille Collignon, viole de gambe -Isabelle Courroy, flûtes kaval - Shadi Fathi, dafs kurdes - Le chœur Estampes sous la direction de Philippe Franceschi - Patrice Gabet, violons - Spyridon Hallaris, kanoun - Christiane Ildevert, contrebasse - Ourania Lambropoulou, santour - Marie Domitille Murez, harpe - Katerina Papadopoulou, chant - Mariyana Pavlova, chant - Aliocha Regnard, nickelharpa - Lionel Romieu, tamboura, Oud, Mandole - Jérôme Salomon, bendir, derbouka, tombak, tapan - Maria Simoglu, chant - Sokratis Sinopoulos, lyre pontique - Kyriakos Tapakis, laouto, oud - Haçer Gülay Toruk, chant Direction artistique, arrangements : Isabelle Courroy